The tool known generally as "Offender Registration" first come into use in the United States during the 1930’s and was used primarily as a means of driving undesirables from municipalities including vagrants and sexual “deviants” such as Homosexuals.
Challenges to the Constitutional infirmities of such sentencing schemes informed legislators that if they intended to retain such laws then they must assign some alternative purpose to the data-bases and include language declaring the Registration requirements “remedial” as opposed to “punitive” because appellate courts were inclined to find such onerous sentences applied to mere acts of vagrancy and homosexual discretions or crimes of “status” in general to be “cruel and unusual;” they noted that while a short sentence and probation may pass, the registration requirements resulted in “a stigma and ignominious badge that may remain for a lifetime.”
Today Registration is most familiar as it applies to Sex Offenders. Recent developments from the California Supreme Court have paved the way for such schemes to be applied to any misdemeanor and retroactively to boot; all due to the Supreme Courts opinion stating that such schemes do not constitute “punishment” even when they include life long obligation to register for first time misdemeanor offenses such as “indecent exposure” and “lewd conduct in a public location.
Add to this life long stigma the rigorous scheme of compliance that places the registrant at risk of incarceration (even as a third "strike") for even minor technical failures to comply, and also the courts ruling that such obligations may be applied retro-actively without running afoul of constitutional prohibitions against ex post facto punishments, we now find ourselves at the threshold of an entirely novel paradigm of criminal deterrence that may be applied to any individual ever convicted of a misdemeanor act, technically even one committed 50 years ago!
Legislators stand ready to implement life long registration requirements for all manner of criminal inclination such as the check forger, domestic batterer, ans even those convicted of shoplifting.
The courts have further ruled that the public notice via publicly accessible Internet web-sites that disclose photographs, addresses and information about your convictions is not punishment for prohibitions against cruelty or ex post facto laws.
If you have ever been convicted of a crime, you may one day find in the mail, as have many misdemeanants who were convicted decades ago, a notice that you must report within five working days to the chief of police and register your name, address, vehicle license plate number and have a Polaroid picture taken so that anyone can look on the internet to find if thieves, wife batterers, flashers, drug users/sellers, or someone convicted of having sex with a 17 year old when they were 18 or over lives next door to themselves.
Congratulations America, we have more people in prison than any industrialized nation, and now we will have total transparency into a persons past even 25 year ago with his most recent photograph and address!
Who can you thank for this? You may thank the legislators who just could not give up their desire to paint all so called “sex offenders” such as the non-violent misdemeanants, as potential Rapists and child molesters by including them unjustly in the schemes.
They have tried everything to justify making such individuals register for life for merely one minor act of indiscretion such as the “men’s room queens” who hook up in public parkrestroom as “threats to society.”
They have offered up theories that such crimes are in fact “gateways” to more serious crimes such as rape. At one point offering the elitist justification that since black men rarely engage in such behavior, the more onerous sentences are necessary to dissuade middle class white men who would value their freedom and anonymity more than the lower income classes because they tended to be the most common offenders. (It is well known that homosexual men in general are more successful than straight men.)
It is the challenges brought by pure logic that such sentances are cruel punishments that have led the Court to evade that logic by declaring such relief out of reach because the legislature (ostensibly) did not intend for them to be “punishment” but rather tools of law enforcement.
One day, you or a loved one may be pictured on the internet as a 40 year old man for a crime you committed as a teenager. Let the witch hunt begin!
This is a picture of the only guy I have been in love with. The blond.
Here are some of the pictures that I put in my flyers that the Riverside D.A. tried to convict me of P.C. 311.2(a) Distribution of Obscene Matter. Those stupid people over there! I can't even go into the level of fraud those god-awful psycopaths commited against me. Just Click over the text.
Outside the pornshop in Redlands I think I bought an "assault weapon" there. You know porn, Sex shop, weapons, rape, childmolesters, they are all inextricably intwined! RIGHT???Click
In Sanbernardino Sex offendending the idiots whose attitudes are codified in the law p.c. 647(a). I committed alot of sex crime that night! Hundreds if not over a thousand "victims" saw me. Lots of them honked their horns! I guess they didn't have cell phones to call 911 to tell them they were being sexually offended from the road! Notice my hand on my "buttocks," that since this is in public that makes this a bonifide "registerable sex offense" in california. Also, the person taking the picture technically violated the law too. See the code! Click
At home getting ready to go out and "offend" and "annoy" the people that the law reffers to in P.C. 647(a)People instantly begin dialing 911 when they see a guy out in drag. It never fails! Evidenly people think its a crime to for a guy to dress like this. Evidently they think its a "sex offense" too!!
Here is a picture of the sex crime I was convicted of. You see the picture, it is not this picture but others like it that I was arrested and charged and ultimately made to register as a sex offender. I also got 45 days work, $750 fine. It is such B.S.!!
Here is a redacted edition of his decision in my case. I had to shorten it to fit in a flyer that I publish from my Publication Sex Offender Herald Examiner. Which I distribute all over the place. Also which is the basis for a crimminal prosecution in Riverside ca, in which the D.A. has misapplied the law in order to try to shut me up. My next court date is at dec 17 2008.
A few of the other Rants I've Distributed.
That gives me the most satisfaction of all.
Fuck them!
The cops come to your house to see if you live there and talk to people there if you are not around. They asked my roomate "are you into the same shit he's into?" and "Has he brought any kids around here recently?" and I have never been in anykind of trouble with kids, I can have them over if I wanted!!
But this sort of enuendo under color of law is just a more severe version of the same shit I deal with daily because I am made to register as a sex offender!
My goose Lucy.
Riverside D.A. office was very pissed off at the flyers I distributed. They were angry because they wanted to control my life and have me obey their stupid orders. I will show my ass on the internet as much as I please, but let it be known that before they did this to me, these pictures were not being distributed. So yes this is definately done in protest and defiance of their wishes.
Here is one that They arrested me for distribution of obscene matter, I warn you now, that it is pornographic, but it is not obscene. Click
I would like to bring attention to the whole nation of what idiot pricks california legislators are. Homophbic, bigots even made homosexuals register as sex offender for over a quarter of a century before they made child pornographers!
Alot of good people are being abused by this law, if they make a mistake and don't register on time, even a few days, they can be hauled off to prison. They gave a guy his third strike, 25 years plus one more year for merely failing to register two months later after he registered his new residence because he was supposed to register on his birthday too!!!